
Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A new Aussie

Well there is a new Australian our household. Mr R (born in Zimbabwe) has sat for the citizenship exam etc after 10 years he completed the citizen ceremony a few weeks back. If you haven't been to one of these ceremony they are quite sweet. There are songs and talks about what it is like to be an Australian, the pledge, gifts and finally lamingtons :o)

Mr R looking handsome as ever
They give out a plant that is endemic to the area that Mr R is holding a Dillwynia floribunda. I hoped for an Angophoria costata but it seems the plants are all shrub like. It is now planted up with some lovely native mix in a decent sized pot and watered in by the rain.

I like it's fine feathery growth
Dilly willy (as I like to call it) is a small to medium shrub that grows to 1.5m bearing yellow pea flowers in spring. I believe it is frost tolerant and doesn't mind lime which is a bit unusual for a native. It also tolerates a bit of shade which is just as well as I have a lots of trees.

The fine hair helps with water loss
I am looking forward to seeing how it grows. Yay for the new Aussie!

Friday, 17 May 2013

What happened to the pots?

So a few weeks ago I moved the blueberries from there pots to the garden. They were taking up too much space on the deck. A few of you suggested that now the deck seemed too barren...

You were right and the pots were to good to sit empty. So I took out the chilli's from the garden (which have been taking up the only bit of sun that we get at this time of year) and put them into the blueberry pots.  They can grow as big as they like now (I have some spare seeds should they die back over winter). I also cut the raspberry canes back and have a lot of space on the deck.

What do you think now?

I thought I actually got up from my chair... 

The other direction
Hope they all grow soon as the deck seems too spacious somehow

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

May bloom bloggers day

It is Autumn here in Sydney and the liquidambar is making sure no-one misses the fact. In fact I wondered if I would even be able to find any flowers under all those leaves.

But you are in luck as I found a heap...

Euphorbia 'Diamond frost' flowers almost all year round

Xanthostemon chrysanthus or the golden penda is flowering happily after being trapped in a pot for a few years too many

Salvia leucantha

Look my first blueberry flower :o)

My peas need a liquid feed so there are many more of these pretty flowers

Not sure how lucky I will be at getting the eggplant to form fruit this late in the season


One of my flowering gums is throwing a few flowers. Neither the bees or I complain

My toad lilly or Tricyrtis is almost lost in the autumn foliage

The heliotrope is doing very nicely

Hydrangea piamina is starting to fade
And a single jonquil soaking up the sun

Not a bad bunch of flowers for this time of year.

What is going on in your garden at this time of year? Why not take a look in May's garden in May...

Monday, 6 May 2013


I have been busy in the garden lately but I do seem to forget to take the camera out with me to document things.  But I listened to you re the last pot on the blueberries. Just to recap they have come out of there pots and into the garden. So far they are doing quite well.

It did leave me with more pots and lots of space on the deck, which is a shame to leave empty as there does seem to be almost more space than on the vegetable patch at this time of year. So I have decided to take the chillis out of the vegie patch and put them into pots. They do take up quite some space in the garden.

Of course I will have to show you them in the pots another day (no photo). But I have had to harvest all the chilli and prune them back hard for the big move. I decided that maybe I could stuff them like Liz and they might not be so hot. I mixed some soft cheese and herbs, seasoning then stuffed the empty chillis, threw them into the oven to cook.

They sure do have a lot of seeds for such small fruit
Results were good. Still a bit hot but worth it. Looking forward to tomorrow's lunch

Perhaps I should have made them bigger....