
Sunday, 12 August 2012

Magnolia, worthy of a squeak

I really don't think I can go far this week without love for the so showy Magnolia. They come in so many shapes and sizes, deciduous and evergreen.  They are considered to be an ancient plant which you can tell by the seed pod which is covers hard red seeds with a furry green and fuzzy protective coat.  It is said that Magnolias date back 20 million years before bees evolved so they needed to rely on beetles to pollinate them.

This week I am talking about the winter flowering varieties that are looking fabulous all  over the place.  They appear before the riot of spring to cheer us before the weather starts turning to warmer days. They make a fantastic cut flower arrangements so the joy can come inside.

I am of the option that the magnolia need to have an impressive flowering season as the leaves are quite ordinary for spring, summer and autumn.  They do make wonderful shade over those months and then turn a very dull brown and drop for winter.

Magnolia stellata
I felt I couldn't really do with out one so I pick a little guy the Magnolia stellata.  We have an easement that runs between my neighbour which has quite a drop.  We have had a new family move in a few doors up and I thought I would try to grow a shrub that might deter the kids from getting to close to this drain.  The only problem is there is not a great depth of soil so I will have to encourage the rooting system to spread horizontally rather than deep.  It has had quite a few flowers on it this year so I am hopeful.

I am glad the magnolia has stood the test of time so we can enjoy it still today.

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