
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Birdy pests?

This morning I have some time to relax (love days off). So I decided to chop a pile of fruit for breakfast and though how good blueberries would go. They have quite a good crop which is great considering they were moved into the ground from pots. I was quite concerned about the sandy soils but I am feeding them with 'Kahoona' by the same people who do 'sudden impact for roses'. They seem to supply the correct nutrients for my acid loving blueberries.

Anyway I have managed a couple of bowls of tasty blueberries. And my cousins brought their children over on the weekend and they had quite full bellies after they were shown which berries to pick. SO there has been much love for my beautiful blueberry bushes.

The blueberries loved the rain
a gathered bowl of berries
Anyway back to bowl of fruit for breakfast....

Armed with a big container and the excitement that comes with picking your own produce (you all get that don't you?). I found lots of lovely blueberries like this

As you can see mangled blueberries. I strong suspect birds. But why couldn't they eat the whole berry rather than going from one berry to the next squishing them? You will notice they haven't touched the non-ripe ones (thankfully). Why did they have to do this to every single ripe berry???

Below I suspect are the culprits

Cute but destructive! Last time I feed them birds!

Must away I have to construct a net cage to save the rest of my berries


  1. What a pity. I could forgive culprits as pretty as those though. I get rainbow lorikeets eating my figs, but I don't mind as I don't really like figs.
    P.S. I also get the flutter of enjoyment and pride when picking my own produce. 4 years now and it hasn't abated. Long may it continue...

  2. Look at those fabulous birds! It's pigeons and sparrows over here - much more modest plumage but equally as destructive. Get the nets out quick to save the rest of your beautiful blueberries.
